Got the triple sink and the hand sink plumbed through the floor and close to the supply lines. Another 14 solder connections to go. I'll do the PVC before I turn on the water so it has a place to go other than on the floor. That shouldn't too bad. It's just a bit smelly. I have to wait for the PVC cement to cure completely because chocolate absorbs the odor's that it's around.
That's another topic. Drying beans. They need to be dried on tables. If they are dried on the edge of a blacktop road the beans will have a tar aroma. Careful handling of the bean from the farmer and the shipper is very important. My chocolate is only as good as the bean. I currently use John Nancy from Chocolate Alchemey for my beans. He evaluates the beans and gives a description like a wine sommelier would. He also will recommend how to roast it. Roasting is an art that I'm looking forward to being good at.
I found a picture of a drying table. I'll be standing there someday!
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